Our Recent Events

We stood together and overcome the pandemic and it is your day, time and space to celebrate the success that you bought at the hard time. Let us join together to celebrate the graduation day of Verappa Nisty Engineering College Shorapur for 2018-2022 Batch BE and MBA students
Inauguration of JnanaManthan-2k22 Technical and Cultural Festival by DR.Sharanbasappa V Nisty and other guests

The Eminent Resource Persons Sri. Naveen Lakkur, Chief Innovation Coach, Institute of Inspiring Innovation, Bangalore & Sri Kiran Mantagi, Senior Product Manager, Flexera Bangalore..

Celebration of International Women's Day at Veerappa Nisty Engineering College, Shorapur.

Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights Project Planner @ Veerappa Nisty Engineering College, Shorapur.

Opening Ceremony of Incubation and Innovation centre” & "Youth Employment program" in association with TCS under CSR.
Participation of our students in job fair held in Lingrajppa Appa Engineering College ,Bidar .
One day workshop on National Education Policy Conducted By VNEC Shorapur.
One day Farewell Program of CSE 8th Sem students Conducted By Dept. of CSE VNEC Shorapur in Association with "Logic CS".

One day Program on National Energy Conservation Week Conducted By Dept. of EEE VNEC Shorapur..

One Week "Student Induction Program" Conducted for 1st year B.E students fr the Academic year 2020-21 By at VNEC Shorapur.

One day workshop on “Start-Up Entrepreneurship Eco System” Conducted By Kalyana Karnataka Incubation Center, Kalaburagi..

Two Week Induction Program Conducted for the 1st Year students in this Academic Year 2019-20.

International Yoga Day Celebrated in Our College.

Three Days Technical and Cultural Program organized at Veerappa Nisty Engineering College, Shorapur from 26th to 28th April 2019.
NSS UNIT, Veerappa Nisty Engineering College, Shorapur organized Campus Cleaning Campaign (Shramadhana Karyakrama) program at Veerappa Nisty Engineering College, Shorapur.